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How Advanced Home Technologies Facilitate Extended Independence for Seniors

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Innovative technological advancements are empowering the elderly to maintain their independence while offering peace of mind to family members and caregivers. The combination of the elderly and rapidly advancing technology is changing how we age, and it’s a special chance to improve seniors’ quality of life.

The good news is that a wide array of technology is already available, enabling older individuals to lead more fulfilling lives than ever before. If you’re looking for answers for either an elderly family member or yourself, the range of options can be quite bewildering. So, where’s a good place to start?

It all starts with a powerful internet connection. While many older individuals are computer literate, they can seek help and guidance from their younger friends or family members.

A stable internet connection, combined with a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone, enables families separated by vast distances to maintain unprecedentedly easy video or audio communication. As per a recent study, 6.6 million individuals in the 40 to 60 age group, who expect to care for or assist their elderly parents in the future, have concerns about offering help. Maintaining regular communication is a great way to begin.

The Internet provides a plethora of conveniences. Online shopping eliminates the need to haul heavy bags back from a weekly grocery trip. Some online delivery services even offer storage and unpacking options. Everything from medications to new clothing can be conveniently delivered, and individuals can enjoy meals from their favorite restaurants in the comfort of their own homes.

The internet also comes to the aid of older adults who may have complex medication regimens. Smart applications can remind them how and when to take their medications and notify relatives if a dose is missed. Additionally, there are smart pill dispensers that release the required medication at the prescribed times.

For those who may become more fragile, discreet motion-sensitive monitoring devices can learn their daily routines and alert friends or family when these routines are not followed. These systems rely on door and motion sensors or smart plug sockets to monitor activities, avoiding intrusive video surveillance.

Personal alarm devices triggered by falls can also notify appropriate parties, including friends, family, doctors, or emergency services.

Connected technology offers one more significant advantage to older individuals: peace of mind. Modern home security systems linked to the internet can include wireless cameras, doorbell cameras, and smoke detectors.

In 2020, the United Nations’ International Telecommunication Union reported an estimated 727 million people aged 65 or older worldwide. By 2050, this number is expected to reach 1.5 billion. To enable longer, healthier, and more active lives, a connected world is the most promising path forward.

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